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하이디션게이밍, 하이엔드 게이밍 이어폰 브랜드 신규 론칭, 메타버스 시장에 진출
Tech News 2021.12.07 19:09

하이디션게이밍은 HiditionGaming T-1 인이어 게이밍 헤드셋이 글로벌로 공개됐다고 밝혔다. 이번에 공개한 T-1은 ‘하이엔드 게이밍 사운드’와 ‘Ajustable-fit boom mic’ 기술을 적용해 지금껏 게이밍 하드웨어 시장에 없었던 새로운 폼팩터의 제품을 선보였다. 게임, 화상채팅, CS관리, e스포츠, 등 다양한 분야에서 활용 가능하여 메타버스 트랜드에 어울리는 제품이다. ‘하이디션게이밍’은 2003년에 설립하여 커스텀 이어폰을 19년간 제조해온 ‘(주)하이디션’과 게이밍 하드웨어 및 이어폰 전문가들로 구성된 MAKINA international inc 기업과 협력하여 지난 2년간 개발 기간을 걸쳐 론칭된 신규 브랜드다. ㈜하이디션의 음향 설계 철학과 가치를 그대로 유지하며, 게이머와..

[오디오 평가] Hidition KH4 인이어용 업그레이드 케이블 : 확실한 업그레이드
Reviews (Korean) 2020.08.11 17:25

Photographs by Bigheadfiler Studio 필자는 하이디션을 2012년 NT-6Pro 모델을 구입해서 처음 써본 것을 계기로 지금까지 여러 모델들을 경험해왔다. 하이디션은 최근 텍스쳐-아트와 유니버셜 모델을 개발한 것을 제외하고는 기존의 제품 퀄리티를 끌어올리는 데만 집중해왔으며 초기부터 지금까지 토널-밸런스가 안정적인 디테일에 치중된 음향 성향은 지금까지도 변함이 없다. 그들이 보여준 소비자 경험과 제품 생태계는 굉장히 고집스럽고 다른 브랜드와 비교하면 신제품이나 리뉴얼 주기도 굉장히 느리다. 이런 요소들이 시장 트랜드에 뒤떨어지게 보이게끔 만들지만, 17년 동안 제조를 해온 그들만의 일관성은 소비자들에게 설득력 있는 결과물을 만들어낸다고 생각하게 만든다. 그렇기에 개인적으로 아직까..

[Review] Eletech Plato upgrade cable for in-ear monitors : deserved the given name.
Audiophile Review (ENG) 2020.03.02 14:24

The product is top of the range that gratifies the all fundamental needs of people and also comes with its coherent design concept. However, the reality is that it is not easy to produce a product like that. Even with much effort, the result is often a failure. But there exist some cases out of the ordinary. So, I would like to talk about a product that possesses exceptional powers of perfection..

[Review] Hidition X Dignis Collaboration Armin case : More Practical!
Audiophile Review (ENG) 2020.02.11 16:53

After purchasing high-end grade in-ear monitors, a case or pouch comes with its package most likely. But, people do not use most of that kind of case and buy another 3rd party product for carrying their product. I also do that action many times. One of the reasons why this action occurs is that even if the case has a great appearance, it doesn’t fully protect the (c)iem or earphone practically. ..

[Review] Mobifren Flex-L Air wireless neckband earbuds: The champion of practicality!
Audiophile Review (ENG) 2019.10.16 22:02

To make high sales and profits in the market, product perfection is significantly essential. However, in reality, it is challenging to offer products to the market that makes popular public image and give satisfaction to high consumer involvement, all together. So, most manufacturers make rational decisions by produce products with minimally acceptable quality. However, there always exist except..

[Review] Hidition NT-1 custom-fit in-ear monitor: The Great things come in a ​small package.
Audiophile Review (ENG) 2019.08.10 14:35

Thinking of ‘Hidition’, what product comes to your mind? ‘NT-6’, ‘NT-6Pro’, ‘NT-8’, ‘Violet’.. Those of you who read this article probably mention these high-priced ciem products in your mind. Before launching new product ‘Violet (11 BA drivers ciem)’ in the public, I already had experienced it with one week. Also, I had experienced to write a review article about ‘NT-8’ ciem and iem officially...

[In-Ear Monitor] Hidition NT-8 : The return of the legend
Audiophile Review (ENG) 2018.11.01 20:45

It has not been very long since I met ‘Hidition’ directly and began to get close to each other. Since bought Hidition NT-6pro iem 5 years ago, it has been difficult to get close to them because I have not had any chance to get in touch because they have not had any external activities or special events in recent years. After contact with them, I found out that the image of Hidition that I knew w..

Variphone Go2Rock customized in-ear monitor: Cold, but warm-hearted
Audiophile Review (ENG) 2019.02.21 09:04

Have you experienced any products from ‘Variphone’? I didn’t know even ‘Variphone’ brand name until I met official staff members in person by chance. After visiting their main office in Belgium and see all of happening in there, just realized that they already have top-class manufacturability level in in-ear monitor field. So why aren’t they known to the public even with their high-leveled manuf..


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